瀏覽 : 11349

[公告] 如何在站務回報區發表問題及建議?

少女心2015-9-22 18:21












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軒寶貝2015-9-23 16:30


強4登場 HTC論壇四週年‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*
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Mickey Wang2017-5-23 17:51


「強4登場 HTC論壇四週年‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*」
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pingchin2019-6-30 09:08

而 受潮 是指空氣中的濕氣引起的現象
當下也告知維修人員從外觀就斷言 受潮 使在沒有任何科學的佐證
若今天做了檢測後告知 受潮 我能接受
因為我個人U11上星期也是無故狂震動後便黑頻跟友人同樣送直營維修中心 告知是當機便沒事
順式請問維修人員U11最近這段時日有無因更新 派 出了一些問題
哪知維修人員告知更新系統一直沒問題 便告知論壇不是有反應更新後一些的狀況 維修人員回覆是更沒有任何問題 最後我出現論壇 才改口是3版目前反應上比較OK
由上只能說對貴公司完全失去誠信及支持的力度了 友人手機是我送的當時為支持貴公司我當下購買3支U11 128G  HTC已經從我認知上剔除直接跳過 因為找不到客服信箱故在此做反應

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henrytheodore11222023-6-16 23:57

Published by pingchin on 2019-6-30 09:08 A few
days ago, I accompanied a friend to the direct sales maintenance center to send the U11 mobile phone to be repaired. Only then did I know that HTC's maintenance skills are amazing.
The mobile phone can be said to be wet from the appearance, and the user shows that there is no water...

Depending on the specific platform or system you're using, locate the station service report area. It could be a website, an online community, a forum, or a dedicated platform for reporting service-related issues. If the station service report area requires an account or registration, sign up for an account following the provided instructions. This may involve providing your name, email address, and creating a username and password. Once logged in find the appropriate section or category for posting questions and suggestions related to the station service report. Look for a "Questions" or "Suggestions" section or a similar designation. Start a new post or thread within the designated section. 本文章最後由( henrytheodore1122 )於 2023-6-19 22:49 編輯

本文章最後由( henrytheodore1122 )於 2023-6-21 01:02 編輯

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khuranahimanshi7682023-8-16 16:33

Posting questions and suggestions in a service report area is a valuable way to communicate feedback and insights that can help improve processes and services. Follow these steps to effectively post questions and suggestions in a station service report area:
  • Identify the Relevant Platform:
    • Determine the platform or system used for submitting service reports. This could be an online portal, a mobile app, or a physical form.
  • Access the Service Report Area:
    • Log in or access the designated service report area using the provided credentials or access details.
  • Navigate to the Correct Section:
    • Explore the platform to find the section or category dedicated to posting questions and suggestions. This could be labeled as "Feedback," "Questions," "Suggestions," or something similar.
  • Compose Your Question or Suggestion:
    • Click on the relevant section to open a new input form or text box.
    • Clearly and concisely state your question or suggestion. Be specific and provide details that help others understand your point.
  • Categorize Your Input:
    • Some platforms may have options to categorize your question or suggestion (eg, technical, operational, Stop Hiccups, customer service). Choose the most appropriate category to ensure your input reaches the right teams.
  • Provide Relevant Information:
    • If your question or suggestion pertains to a specific incident or area within the service station, provide relevant context and details.
  • Offer Solutions and Ideas:
    • If you're providing a suggestion, include actionable solutions or ideas that could address the issue or improve the service.
  • Attach Supporting Documents (if applicable):
    • If you have photos, screenshots, or documents that support your question or suggestion, attach them to provide visual context.
  • Review and Submit:
    • Review your input to ensure clarity and accuracy.
    • Click the "Submit" or "Post" button to finalize your question or suggestion.
  • Note Reference or Ticket Number:
    • Some platforms may generate a reference number or ticket for your submission. Make note of this number for future reference.
  • Follow Up (if necessary):
    • If you don't receive a response or acknowledgment within a reasonable timeframe, How to stop hiccups, Consider following up through appropriate channels (customer support, helpdesk, etc.).
  • Engage in Discussions (if applicable):
    • If the platform allows for comments or discussions on submitted questions or suggestions, engage in conversations to provide additional insights and collaborate with others.
  • Be Respectful and Professional:
    • Maintain a respectful and professional tone in your communication, even if you're highlighting concerns. Constructive feedback is more likely to be well-received.
  • Keep Track of Responses:
    • If you receive a response or update regarding your question or suggestion, make sure to keep track of it for your records.

and provide clear, actionable, and relevant feedback to contribute positively to the improvement of services.Remember that the specific steps and options may vary depending on the service report platform used by the station. It's important to follow the guidelines provided by the platform and provide clear, actionable, and relevant feedback to contribute positively to the improvement of services.

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lily coliins2023-11-6 15:33

感谢您的提醒! slope

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