晚安各位~~ 剛剛看到一則訊息小分享下 外媒Tech Advisor一直是相當注重在評價HTC產品的外媒
最近他也點出了一些價格可能來到甜蜜點 值得認真考慮入手的HTC產品
1. HTC U11+
2. HTC U11
3. HTC 10
4. U12 Life
5. Desire 12+
6. U11 Life
7. U12+
其中U11是我目前仍在服役, 而且狀況也相當不錯的
雖然說像是ASUS GOOGLE PIXEL都很開心地抄走了側框感應
但我覺得像U11 U11+都還是相當值得看看的前代旗艦
外媒如TECH ADVISOR仍有持續好好關注HTC 覺得開心
雖然這家私心不是很喜歡U12+的樣子 (汗
Now that there's talk of evaluating HTC products, I would like to know how good such products are. With so many HTC based products being advertised on websites talking about the multihead weigher, I guess they would be pretty great. But I just need to make sure.