您好,福利碼附贈於 VIVE 包裝盒內,請仔細查找包裝盒內的卡片或參照包裝盒上蓋說明。
福利碼由 10 位英數字組成,您可以前往 store.vive.com/code 或使用 VIVEPORT 客戶端進行兌換。在兌換過程中需要登入或創建屬於您的 HTC 帳號。
成功兌換福利碼後,系統將通過您填寫的電子郵件發送相對應 VIVEPORT Infinity 或 VIVEPORT 內容兌換碼給您。
若您仍然未找到我們的VIVEPORT 兌換碼,請您於週一至週六10:00 AM-7:00 PM,撥打我們的HTC客服專線 0809-090-166 / (02)2162-6788,這裡將由我們專人來為您協助服務。
It sounds like there might be a discrepancy between what was advertised and what was received. Have you reached out to customer support to address this issue? They may be able to assist you further in resolving the discrepancy with the Game Free Download Viveport account.
[color=var(--tw-prose-body)]It sounds frustrating not to receive the expected benefits. Definitely reach out to the company via email to clarify the situation and ensure you receive the correct check benefits. Hopefully, they'll be able to resolve this issue promptly for you.
Awesome work thanks for sharing this The Shading Solutionswith us keep it up.
Double-check the packaging and any included documents for the Infinity code—it's sometimes easy to miss. If you still can't find it, reach out to Repay balance customer support with your purchase details for assistance. They should help resolve this quickly.
HTC小博士 發表於 2020-7-7 09:16
您好,福利碼附贈於 VIVE 包裝盒內,請仔細查找包裝盒內的卡片或參照包裝盒上蓋說明。
福利碼由 10 位英數 ...