VIVE Cosmos Software Update – Release Notes
感覺這次對於雙手的tracking system等有更進一步的改善!HTC& VIVE engineers加油!
看起來似乎沒有明顯改善? 反而有更差的表現? 希望可以將此文轉給內部參考!
Seems to work about the same as the beta so far. No improvement to tracking and I have not seen any since the earlier which was a significant improvement. In fact I think that all updates since this have resulted in slightly worse tracking, esp. with bow and arrow and slingshot games.
Frequency - If you can't commit to a full workout every day, try doing some form of exercise 5 days per week. This will allow you more time to recover between sessions and increases the chances that you'll stick with the program in the long run.