本文章最後由( 媽祖你幹嘛 )於 2014-9-18 12:22 編輯
【本報導引用自The Register】
用慣了Gmail與Android的你必須要知道... 政府越來越喜歡查大家水錶惹
根據Google本身發布的Transparency Report,過去六個月間,全球政府要求調閱gmail使用者個資激增了15%,從2009年至此激增150%
其中光是美國政府就有12,539次申請... (全文請看The Register)
法國、德國、印尼、新加坡、義大利,各約申請調閱了1,000 到 3,400次...
This increase in government demands comes against a backdrop of ongoing revelations about government surveillance programs. Despite these revelations, we have seen some countries expand their surveillance authorities in an attempt to reach service providers outside their borders.
Others are considering similar measures. The efforts of the US Department of Justice and other countries to improve diplomatic cooperation will help reduce the perceived need for these laws, but much more remains to be done.
Governments have a legitimate and important role in fighting crime and investigating national security threats. To maintain public confidence in both government and technology, we need legislative reform that ensures surveillance powers are transparent, reasonably scoped by law, and subject to independent oversight.
看來民主國家雖然不會擋Google... 倒是滿腦子想從Google挖個資啊...
毫無反應, 就是個媽祖˙w˙