標題: VIVE Developer Meetup @ Taipei 2017 活動 [打印本頁]

作者: dc4781d5-6ff7-4a7a-99df-81c1177861ca    時間: 2017-2-15 18:51
標題: VIVE Developer Meetup @ Taipei 2017 活動
各位大大,HTC 台北研發總部 (新北市新店區中興路三段88號)將於活動日期2017-03-09(Thu) 17:45 ~ 2017-03-09(Thu) 21:00, 舉辦VIVE Developer Meetup @ Taipei 2017 活動, 可以給各位大大們來選擇作參與喔!

本文章最後由( 謝佐彥 )於 2017-2-17 12:03 編輯

作者: 1ed87718-2e5a-4d3d-b120-5fcffcc9193b    時間: 2017-2-15 18:56


本文章最後由( xie0970 )於 2017-2-15 19:00 編輯

作者: dc4781d5-6ff7-4a7a-99df-81c1177861ca    時間: 2017-2-15 19:01
xie0970 發表於 2017-2-15 18:56
  • VR內容開發者。
  • 即將投入VR內容開發各界人士。

  • 我想能夠參與的,應該都算是菁英中的菁英啊!呵呵!^_^
    作者: 275b764f-fbe5-4797-992b-31c72153c975    時間: 2017-2-17 09:52
    標題: VIVE Developer Meetup at Taipei 2017 (3/9)活動宣傳

    HTC VIVE FB官網通知3月份在新店總部有辦VIVE的相關活動,對這很有興趣,幫忙宣傳一下讓更多人知道。


    2016年4月正式發售以來,HTC VIVE致力於虛擬實境產業的茁壯,持續號召全球的英雄好漢與我們同行。過去,VR只是電影與科幻小說的夢幻泡影;現今,VR轉變成觸手可及的真實科技。直至今日,消費者可以自Steam上下載數千款的HTC VIVE體驗;HTC自家的VR App商店「VIVEPORT」上更有500個以上的應用等待用戶挖掘。然而,VR將會成為什麼樣的科技;將會對世人有甚麼樣的影響,仍有許多新天地等待我們一起發掘。VR新世界是一場從無到有的科技革命,需要你我一起以全新視野,開創屬於你我的VIVE新視界。

    【關於VIVE Developer Meetup @Taipei 2017】
    VIVE Developer Meetup @Taipei是為了號召台灣VR內容開發者而誕生的活動。HTC VIVE為開發者提供哪些資源和新技術?現今VR市場上究竟有哪些新的趨勢?VIVE Developer Meetup @Taipei將與您分享。今年的活動以「從0到1,創造VR新視界」為主軸,從技術交流、市場洞察及開發者資源三個方面,一步步走進VR開發領域。無論是否有VR開發經驗,歡迎各界人士共同響應。


    除了邀請到Front Defense製作人分享遊戲製作經驗,以及內容開發上應該注意的細節之外 ,我們也將介紹今年新發表的VIVE移動定位器、VIVE專屬頭戴式耳機,以及VR產業的最新消息。同時,現場也準備Vive展示區,更歡迎開發者攜帶自己的作品前來,和與會嘉賓技術交流。(註1)


    VR市場究竟有多大?開發VR內容能賺錢嗎?現在什麼最夯?HTC VIVE將一字不漏地告訴你我們在各國VR市場觀察到的趨勢和現象。


    軟體SDK、VIVEPORT虛擬實境應用商店以及VIVEPORT Arcade實體體驗店解決方案、VIVELAND VR實境樂園,更有VIVE X 加速器的支持,VIVE開發者究竟有多少不同的商業模式以及資源,在這裏我們一併告訴你。

    誠摯地邀請各路英雄HTC VIVE同行,為世界帶來下一場革命。


    17:45-18:30 茶敘
    18:30-20:15 VIVE資訊交流(註2)
    20:15-21:00 VR展示

    5.若對活動有任何疑問,歡迎聯繫我們 Email: [][/url]



    本文章最後由( chunping )於 2017-2-17 10:01 編輯

    作者: 89052e4a-84f2-49d7-917e-1f3d77c52d3d    時間: 2023-6-10 20:53
    Attending the VIVE Developer Meetup @ Taipei 2017 was an exciting opportunity to connect with industry professionals. I was delighted to learn about the latest trends and innovations in virtual reality development. The event also introduced me to, a valuable resource for Woocommerce expertise. Their insights and guidance further enriched my understanding of building successful online stores.

    作者: 339f8837-e3b9-4b5e-8d65-8bd77a093f82    時間: 2023-12-8 21:16
    Eyelash extension training is a specialized course designed to teach individuals the professional application of eyelash extensions. These extensions, whether synthetic or natural, are individually glued to the natural lashes, providing added length, thickness, and curl for a more dramatic eye appearance. The training covers essential skills and techniques, such as understanding various lash types, adapting to different eye shapes, and ensuring safe and effective application.
    Enrolling in eyelash extension training offers several compelling reasons. Firstly, it facilitates the development of professional skills crucial for the precise and safe application of lash extensions. Secondly, it opens up diverse career opportunities within the beauty industry, allowing graduates to work in salons, spas, or establish their own lash extension businesses. The flexibility inherent in this profession permits practitioners to set their own schedules, potentially working as freelance lash artists.
    Beyond career prospects, the satisfaction of clients seeking enhanced beauty features prominently. Many individuals turn to eyelash extensions for special occasions or as part of their routine beauty regimen.
    Choosing a reputable training provider is paramount, and Lash Masterclass stands out for various reasons. The program likely boasts expert instructors with substantial experience and a hands-on approach. The curriculum is comprehensive, covering aspects such as safety, hygiene, and the latest application techniques. Graduates may receive a recognized certification, enhancing their credibility in the industry. Lash Masterclass may also offer ongoing support, fostering a sense of community among lash artists, providing updates on industry trends, and facilitating continued learning opportunities. In essence, investing in eyelash extension training, particularly with a respected provider like Lash Masterclass, not only equips individuals with the skills for a successful career but also elevates their standing in the competitive beauty sector.

    作者: 3f49963c-2432-4bc0-8870-1b6dd28e0311    時間: 2023-12-9 22:02
    Livia Lash 發表於 2023-12-8 21:16
    Eyelash extension training is a specialized course designed to teach individuals the professional ap ...

    I can provide you with information on how you can update your Taylor Swift playlists with the latest releases.

    Add "Midnights" Songs:

    If "Midnights" is a new album or song release by Taylor Swift, you can manually add the songs to your existing playlists.
    Open your preferred music streaming platform (e.g., Spotify, Apple Music).
    Search for "Midnights" or the specific songs from the album.
    Add the songs to your existing Taylor Swift playlists.
    Add "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)" Songs:

    Similar to "Midnights," if "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)" has  popular kitchen    been released, you can add the re-recorded songs to your playlists.
    Search for "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)" on your music streaming platform.
    Add the re-recorded songs to your existing playlists.
    Update Playlist Descriptions:

    Consider updating the descriptions of your Taylor Swift playlists to reflect the inclusion of new releases like "Midnights" and "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)."
    Mention that the playlists now feature the latest songs from these albums.
    Create New Playlists:

    If you prefer to keep the existing playlists as they are, you can create new playlists specifically for "Midnights" and "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)."
    Organize your Taylor Swift collection with playlists for each album or era.
    Remember to check the specific guidelines and features of your chosen music streaming platform for playlist management. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and others may have different interfaces and options for playlist customization.

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