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[待補充] ULTRA裝apps後手機自動重開 0850c5c9-cde6-4aeb-bbec-1f50ae847f69 2018-11-16 15:24 33021 d5e0146e-d8fb-4cfc-be0a-956a0d65a5db 2024-1-8 14:59
[分享] Edge Sense Tip: Voice Recording with just a Squeeze on the HTC U11  ...23 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2017-7-11 02:42 267541 13840e93-6015-4b2a-82dd-90862540be88 2023-12-25 03:28
[新聞] 黑色洛城:The VR Case Files 正式登陸 hTC VR  ...2 3be58b6b-74b7-47db-9ce5-7066f38415e9 2017-12-17 17:21 185089 13840e93-6015-4b2a-82dd-90862540be88 2023-12-25 01:00
[分享] Unboxing the HTC U Ultra  ...234 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2017-3-21 00:01 308071 13840e93-6015-4b2a-82dd-90862540be88 2023-12-23 23:44
[建議] 給HTC總公司及手機部門建議 49179c33-fe52-45ec-b8b4-045f272fd7c9 2021-4-27 09:53 86067 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-12-20 19:58
[新聞] Top Android news of the week: HTC's woes, official Office, free Intel app  ...2 7d1b354d-dcfd-4752-8e39-59014df1aac0 2015-6-28 15:42 165723 13840e93-6015-4b2a-82dd-90862540be88 2023-12-18 23:07
[討論] Christian Counseling Degree  ...23456..7 89052e4a-84f2-49d7-917e-1f3d77c52d3d 2023-4-11 18:30 628655 244219d3-e920-45d8-8225-2df4d2c0b67a 2023-12-11 14:58
[分享] HTC 週年慶紀念T-Shirt 開箱 attach_img e5804810-13d5-4a97-b2de-e1bdf4baca4e 2015-9-20 00:43 62697 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-12-7 16:21
[分享] Beats 被 Apple 搶走, HTC 找來 Beats 的死對頭 6cf78cf7-8218-4905-9c09-84184c1b0994 2014-8-8 16:35 54067 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-12-6 13:12
[問題] Desire 22 pro 拍照要如何設定照片儲存到記憶卡呢??? 9732b5f4-fa2d-42a6-8c8c-5b254b346098 2023-3-5 21:01 53613 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-12-5 21:52
[分享] 山姆talk懶人包 attach_img digest  ...2 9029fe39-a0f6-41a8-9daa-6cd88f41c755 2015-2-4 14:52 1311335 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-12-4 15:49
[分享] HTC Desire 19+特輯|走!到美國參加攀樹比賽 attach_img agree 3a954437-6a86-48f7-83ce-929dd4942cf7 2019-8-28 14:57 55499 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-11-29 13:23
[分享] 西班牙MWC Android可愛小徽章/HTC 中華隊棒球衣 開箱 attach_img agree  ...2 f3c23e32-09b5-4049-9fd5-41108017daf5 2019-5-6 20:19 185199 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-11-28 12:44
[問題] 已解決 求救 HTC U12+ 原廠 ROM RUU下載 259a17b8-c335-410d-b777-76a5e742787b 2021-2-7 22:28 26373 12c56a72-dc66-46b1-8027-c294736813f8 2023-11-25 00:45
[新聞] 搶頭香?傳中階手機 HTC ONE X10 下月就發表! attach_img  ...2 838cb6a9-9f74-41ef-9eb2-5c479cd06aea 2016-12-21 00:02 196392 8e4416ec-60a4-457e-92e4-3585cc345b08 2023-11-23 16:30
[分享] 跟著 UU 微笑感染國慶 “ 雙十 Light Show ” attach_img digest agree f3c23e32-09b5-4049-9fd5-41108017daf5 2017-10-9 20:37 86443 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-11-23 14:03
[討論] HTC One MX Imagined by Hass T, With Subtle but Necessary Changes 7d1b354d-dcfd-4752-8e39-59014df1aac0 2015-7-8 21:28 23359 89052e4a-84f2-49d7-917e-1f3d77c52d3d 2023-11-22 17:24
[分享] 《HTC FUN假趣》Re are family 冬季運動會[台北場] attach_img  ...2 52f3c5e3-8c8d-4f2b-b7f9-62bbb17f5b9c 2015-1-6 20:57 186266 bf01d886-8b07-492b-ae9b-dd4d5a5c364d 2023-11-18 17:54
[分享] HTC U11: USonic Headphones vs. Their Current Headphones 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2017-6-8 06:30 32704 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2023-11-13 15:37
[分享] High School ~HTC 好 High !!!!! 3ffeaad5-c6f5-4fac-8a02-0b696c576455 2015-1-21 09:38 42212 89052e4a-84f2-49d7-917e-1f3d77c52d3d 2023-11-11 19:28
[建議] 希望HTC能在音樂撥放器增加支援Apple Lossless (ALAC)格式 使用者建議 9e37aad0-2c4c-4ad6-8040-58b6dcdc6285 2015-2-5 20:49 32708 0cc5614c-c38e-428c-97b3-aff36d393f13 2023-11-5 22:40
[分享] htc10 宜蘭一日遊:久千代海鮮、龍潭湖、中冠礁溪SPA attach_img digest heatlevel  ...23456..76 0af5aab4-d987-4d9a-99f7-b7bd34dc5bfe 2017-10-25 15:42 75975335 725b1999-adec-4298-bdbf-f384a25b9f9e 2023-11-2 10:26
[其他] HTC esports-電競選手拆炸彈第一次就上手?! 39570f36-90b3-45f3-8414-28eea6bcffc2 2016-9-9 16:20 62866 725b1999-adec-4298-bdbf-f384a25b9f9e 2023-10-31 22:05
[分享] 【A9日記】體驗Hi-Res高音質的音樂享受 attachment digest heatlevel  ...23456..125 e64fd794-9a63-4110-9996-fb198304ff74 2016-1-18 14:21 1244114107 e416d6e7-cc05-47a1-8ae7-ad8ebb0109bd 2023-10-31 18:57
[分享] Unboxing the Solar Red HTC U11 with Aaron Baker 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2017-7-7 08:25 32472 80069a7d-e563-4404-92fd-304a94f0824b 2023-10-26 15:59
[分享] 日劇 Good Partner 無敵的律師 第9集, Butterfly 2 捕獲 attach_img digest  ...2 3e86cb47-358a-4932-8cea-a593565502b1 2016-6-24 01:47 117215 28c6952d-df63-4648-be9a-1d8046f20230 2023-10-25 22:08
[分享] 超極限挑戰 hTC 10 UnderWater Test attach_img 31706796-2c5c-4bc5-b402-a8b353a05df3 2016-6-3 00:19 52796 725b1999-adec-4298-bdbf-f384a25b9f9e 2023-10-22 15:59
[新聞] 我坐等發表!M10相機自信滿滿! attach_img  ...2 ecb22455-9aa9-4b14-95b8-d7a0463c86ff 2016-2-26 14:46 114458 c0bedd36-44cb-460e-9229-803cc826d15d 2023-10-15 09:18
[分享] 不可不知Instagram,現在就加入HTC Taiwan IG帳號 attach_img  ...23 3a954437-6a86-48f7-83ce-929dd4942cf7 2019-6-25 17:37 259150 a8944fb3-08f8-4db7-ba2d-1b2a4cdfdb2f 2023-9-30 00:45
[分享] Mirror your Android device on your Mac or PC with Vysor c447d300-a748-4406-933d-3bec3c99585f 2015-8-25 17:53 14655 89052e4a-84f2-49d7-917e-1f3d77c52d3d 2023-9-21 21:34
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