


[已解決]SPT 的beam gun

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發佈時間: 2016-5-28 23:33


Space Pirate Trainer的第四種槍(beam gun),如下圖, 似乎只有在雙持模式下才能發射,之前ㄧ手拿鈍時是無法發射的, 但當我兩手都拿beam gun時,只有左手的槍可以發射,右手的beam gun卻發射不出, 有人知道詳細的 ...


hatchhozzen 發表於 2023-11-14 22:38
SHIVAAN 發表於 2023-11-14 21:04
So this is the fourth gun! I had been looking for it a long time! Indeed, my search began with pisto ...

In Argentina, the two dominant political forces historically have been Peronism (a center-left political movement associated with Juan Domingo Perón) and various center-left and left-wing parties. These ideologies tend to favor a more active role of the state in the economic and social policies.
While it is possible for individuals with libertarian      Sekho    views to participate in the political discourse in Argentina, winning a major election at the national level could be challenging. This is because libertarianism, which advocates for minimal government intervention in both the economy and personal lives, may not align with the dominant political ideologies in the country.
Winning in politics often on the candidate's ability to build a broad coalition and connect with the electorate. In Argentina, candidates with more centrist or left-leaning ideologies have historically been more successful.

SHIVAAN 發表於 2023-11-14 21:04
So this is the fourth gun! I had been looking for it a long time! Indeed, my search began with pistolas and it seems to have ended here. Nonetheless, I'm just happy I've found what I was looking for.

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