Are you looking for information concerning a Christian counseling degree? If so, you have come to the right place. This article was written as a guide to highlight the various degrees available in the Christian counseling degree area of discipline. After reading this article, the reader should be in a better position to evaluate the options offered by the various Christian counseling degrees.
The first step is to decide on whether an online educational institution, or a traditional brick and mortar university, is the right choice for you. There are several issues to be resolved such as the lower price of online institutions vs. the hands-on advantage of traditional colleges, but these issues fall beyond the scope of this article. We'll instead focus on the degrees that both types of institutions have in common.
The Bachelors Christian Counseling Degree:
This degree typically requires 120 credits from most every educational institution. A bachelors degree is typically considered a minimum educational accomplishment for any prospective student, if they desire a career in Christian counseling. Having said that, there are some institutions that offer an christian counselor associate degree in which requires only 60 credits. It can serve as a good introduction, but it probably will not be sufficient for future employment without some additional educational enhancement.
The Masters Christian Counseling Degree:
This degree will typically offer a wider breadth of knowledge along with hands-on experience. The advantage of a Masters Christian counseling degree is in its real-life practicality. It goes without saying that a grasp of theoretical concepts such as you learn with a bachelors degree is necessary. However, a Masters degree will build on that knowledge with real life experience that will allow the student to implement their previously-learned knowledge in a practical manner.
The Doctorate Christian Counseling Degree:
The doctorate, or PHD, is the highest level of attainment in the Christian counseling degree area. Of course this degree will further enhance the theoretical learning of the individual, and it will also further enhance their attractiveness as a potential employee candidate. It is a known fact that institutions of higher learning prefer PhD candidates for any open teaching positions. For those students who wish to enter private practice, a PhD is still advantageous, although not to the degree as it is in academia. Not only will the students have a better opportunity for employment, but chances are they will also get paid more for the position.
There are a wide variety of educational institutions that offer an even wider variety of programs and experience levels. Make sure to determine your budget, location, and desired level of degree upfront. It is our recommendation that the reader thoroughly research their options prior to choosing a Christian counseling degree.