Device Health Services跟Boost+看起來都有限制程式在背景使用的功能,但使Boost+這幾年來總覺得他在前景限制上比較有但似乎沒有真正能完全限制所有程式的背景活動,倒是使用Device Health Services後能感受到使用程式時有真正被限制了,所以有些必須保留背景執行的就不會限制他,正如Device Health Services是要監控其他App的,所以就沒限制他囉!
I had the same experience to be honest - even after my update, the battery consumption got off the charts. Because of the high consumption, one day my phone died and that's how I forgot I had a dental appointment too. It's been such a major hassle this!
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