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[新聞] Samsung develop "denser" mobile batteries and slimmer camera sensors









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發表於 2015-5-26 22:24 | 只看該作者 回覆獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Samsung is working on "denser" mobile batteries and slimmer camera sensors, due out by 2017
When you hear Samsung, chances are that the first thing that pops into your mind is its extensive gamma of mobile devices, but that's certainly not everything that the South Korean giant is involved into. As you most probably know, it also produces displays, memory, sensors, and various other hardware components, as well as home appliances and numerous other pieces of tech.

It happens that Samsung just announced its latest advances in certain component categories that have a lot to do with our favorite gadgets - smartphones. Yesterday, Samsung spilled the beans and revealed that it's currently working on battery packs that have higher energy densities.

Currently, the maker of the Note 4 and Galaxy S6 is reportedly working on battery units that have density of 700Wh/l (Watt-hours per liter), with this number expected to increase to 750Wh/l by year's end. By 2017, Samsung expects to have batteries with 780Wh/l energy density. This means that you get higher energy output from the same physical battery unit volume.

The voltage of the battery units will also be treated to an increase. Samsung announced that it's about to reach a voltage of 4.40V in the upcoming months; this bar is expected to be raised to as much as 4.5V by 2017. All in all, higher voltage translates to better battery life.

The giant also mentioned its fast-charging endeavors, revealing that it aims to greatly improve it. Samsung obviously strives for a quick-charging tech that will allow users to get as much as 80% of charge from a 30-minute charging session. Bring it on.

Camera sensors
Apart from these savory battery-related improvements, Samsung also revealed its advancements regarding camera sensors. It looks that the giant has an RWB sensor in the making. RWB stands for "red, white, blue" and describes the color pattern of the camera sensor, which will allegedly provide "better color fidelity" for photos.

Additionally, Samsung's upcoming camera sensorс will come with smaller pixel size - from the current 1.12-micron pixels of its 16MP camera sensors, the tech giant is aiming at 1-micron pixels for its upcoming 16MP ones. This will reportedly result in a 23% thickness decrease, from 6.5mm to 5mm for a future 16MP sensor and from 5.2mm all the way down to 4.5mm for 13MP units. A great prerequisite for even thinner devices, that is!

光線暗也行!傳愛瘋6s採Sony 1200萬畫素RGBW感測器

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