親愛的HTC粉絲, 新年快樂,祝福您與家人有個美好的2017年。 最近有個念頭想跟粉絲寫封信,這是第一次,坦率說心裡是有些忐忑。 因為工作的因素,這幾年常在世界各地出差,有機會觀察到HTC的使用者。我常在想,這些用戶是誰?他們為什麼會用HTC手機?喜歡的是什麼?不喜歡的是什麼?
大家之間有些什麼樣的共同點? 上個月,我在德國Ingolstadt(慕尼黑附近的城市)參加朋友的家庭聚會,他有一位即將滿17歲的兒子也是HTC的粉絲。我就問他: 你為什麼喜歡你的HTC 10?他開始說了些HTC 10的優點,我繼續追問他,就只是因為這樣嗎?他最後淡定地回答說:Well,it’s different (HTC不太一樣)。 我才了解到,我們之間看似平凡的共通點,可能一點也不平凡。這連結彼此的共通點,或許是我們內心都有些不同的想法。不追隨所謂理所當然的路,表達與眾人不同的觀點,有時是需要一些勇氣的。 當我們有勇氣走自己的路,才會發現真正的自己,這也是最精彩的自己。 旅行觀察多年才體會,生命不在乎走多遠,而是離我們的初心有多近。 謝謝你們的啟發,2017年HTC 的一切,全是為了你,精彩的你! 嘉臨
Dear HTCfans, Happy NewYear. May 2017 be a great year to you and your family. I have beenthinking recently of writing a letter to you. It will be my first so frankly itcomes with some trepidation. I amfortunate enough to travel the world and observe people using our phones. I’vealways wondered who these people are and why they chose HTC phones? What dothey like? What do they dislike? What do we all have in common? Last month Iwas invited to a family dinner in Ingolstadt, Germany. The son of the family,recently turned 17, happened to be a HTC fan so I asked him “what do you likeabout your HTC 10?” He started to talk about its features but when I pressedhim further, he simply said “it’s different.” That’s whenI realized; what we have in common, isn’t something common at all. Whatconnects us is that we are all unique. We don’t follow convention or take theeasy option. It takes courage to stand out from the crowd and be individuals.
To be brave. It’s onlywhen you are brave to follow your own path, that you’ll find out who you reallyare. That’s when you can become truly brilliant. I’m remindedby the people I see across the world that life isn’t about how far you travel,it's about how close you get to your true heart. To all HTCfans, thank you. You have inspired us to make sure 2017 is all about you. TheBrilliant You! Chialin
【文末分享】 看完這封來自嘉臨的親筆信,不知道大家有沒有想過,你的第一支HTC手機是哪個型號? 又是什麼原因喜歡手上的HTC產品呢? 一起來分享吧!